Famous Rappers Around the Globe

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In the music industry, rappers are a dime a dozen. Some are great, some are awful. Some are famous in their home country, others are world renowned. And some are just downright weird. From the good, the bad, and the ugly, these are some of hip hop’s most famous rappers from around the world. Over the years, there have been many famous rappers around the world. There were rappers that stood out for their style (looking at you, Flavor Flav), others for their beats, and some for their lyrics. But what were the most famous rappers over the decades?

Everyone knows that music influences fashion, and in the hip-hop world, where style is everything, the influence is strong. So, even if you don’t like rapping on beat music, you probably know who some of the most famous rappers in the world are. Some of the most famous rappers even have their own clothing lines, such as Jay-Z with his Rocawear clothing line and Sean John clothing line, or P. Diddy with his Sean John line.

Why Rappers Are Popular

The rapper is a powerful figure in the hip-hop community. Rapping skills are crucial in a rap competition, but they aren’t the only thing that can make or break your career. For example, one of the popular rappers around world DJ Khaled has a loyal fan base and many famous friends, but he wouldn’t be as famous if he didn’t have the skills to back it up. The same goes for Fetty Wap. (He’s currently one of the more famous rappers.) The list goes on and on.

Many have pondered why rappers have such a hold on pop culture. For one, rappers have always been in the spotlight. Some of the most famous rap artists have been around long before the current era of social media. Rappers have a direct line to their fans and have a lot of power over them, so it’s easy to see why they would be so popular.

Rap as Career Option

It seems like everyone from Eminem to J. Cole and Drake are making their way into the world of the music industry. If you’re a music lover, you might be asking yourself, “Can I rap as a career option?” Well, there are certainly a lot of simple techniques to learn freestyle rap and making a living off of music as well as a handful of other entertainers.

The rap industry can be a lucrative career option for those talented enough to make it. A successful rapper can make tens of millions of dollars a year. Rapper Jay-Z leads the industry, having topped Forbes’ list of most successful musicians in 2012 with a net worth of $475 million. But getting to the top is no easy task and there’s no guarantee you’ll make it to the big time.